Which is why in the Beta 1.2 update (which added coloured wool) Classic saw a drop in players. Classic for a while had something over its later survival counter-parts. It was mainly a creative multiplayer mode, where players would collaborate to build. Many features had not been added yet, such as mobs, health, and crafting, and the player had an infinite amount of blocks at their disposal. It is currently abandoned by Mojang although it is currently available to play for free in single-player and multiplayer modes on the website through typing in its corresponding URL.

This first public development stage of the game was released on. Largely due to the success of Minecraft, Persson has become an iconic figure within the fanbase and online gaming culture. Notch is the handle of Mark Persson, a Swedish indie game developer and founder of Mojang Specifications that is best known for creating the sandbox building game Minecraft.